Printed Copies

Signalling papers have been written by some of our members past and present who gathered much specialist knowledge in the subjects covered either by their professional involvement or by painstaking research or both.
Each paper is a comprehensive and definitive account of it's subject and many of the subjects involved are either not covered by published works elsewhere or are only otherwise mentioned haphazardly.
If you are interested in learning more about the theories and practices of signalling with a view to a career or as a Heritage Railway volunteer or want to build truly realistic model layouts then these papers are for you.
Previously all too rarely seen they are now being made more widely available and readily obtainable.
Please note that printed copies are created 'to order' so despatch time will be noticeably longer in consequence.
Great Western Railway 3-bar Tappet Frame
The Great Western Railway became dissatisfield with their double twist and stud locking frames and i..
Great Western Railway 5-Bar Tappet Frame
After twenty or so years of using tappet frames, The Great Western Railway embarked on improving fle..
Great Western Railway Twist Frames
Twist frames first appeared in 1863 when the Great Western Railway's signal works at Reading strted ..
Principles of Tappet Interlocking
Interlocking is the glue that physically prevents a signalman from being able to signal two or more ..
Signal Box Diagrams of the Great Western Railway and British Railways Western Region
When you go into a signal box, especially a mechanical one, one of the most obvious features is the ..
Signalling The Layout Part 2, 1915 to 1947
This paper, second in the series explaining the Great Western Railway's practices and those of Briti..
Signalling The Layout Part 3, 1948 to 1972
This paper, last in the series explaining the Great Western Railway's practices and those of British..