Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Search Tips   Electronic File Types   Paying for Downloadable Files  

Search Tips

The search facility works with whole words only and is case insensitive. Thus 'Diagram', 'diagram' and 'DIAGRAM' will all produce the same results.

Searching for part words such as 'dia' will not find 'diagram'.

Search on 'key' words rather than phrases.

Use abbreviations such as GWR, LMSR, LNER, SR for the major railways or their constituents, or just one place name in the title of a company.

Make use of the tag list shown on the individual product pages as this will lead you to other products of similar nature or for the same geographic area.

Electronic File Types

Most electronic products are supplied as Portable Document Format (PDF) files but some larger items may be supplied in TIFF or JPG image format.

Modern computers, tablets and mobile phones usually read these files without difficulty but bear in mind that some of the files are large and may take a while to load.

Where electronic products consist of several files they will be sent as a single ZIP file from which the individual files will need to be extracted before they can be used.

ZIP files may contain other file types such as HTM or HTML which can be read by your (internet) browser.

It is the customer's responsibility to obtain suitable software to read and make use of the files if their device lacks the necessary facilities. A PDF reader is available free of charge from Adobe's web site.

Paying for Downloaded Files

If you wish to download your file(s) immediately you have paid for them, you will need to pay by PayPal. On return to our site from PayPal you can visit the Downloads page (look under My Account for the link) and locate them in the list.

If you have chosen to pay via payment into our bank account (BACS) or by cheque or postal order you will have to wait until the Bookstall Manager has verified receipt of payment before you can download. This make take a few days if the Bookstall Manager is away. The Bookstall Manager will then either make the file(s) available to download or send them to you by alternative means.