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Leeds & The Settle & Carlisle Line
The highlight of the twelfth volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s is undoubtedly the eve..
LNWR Branch Lines, London, Home Counties & East Midlands
Volume seven of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s stays with the London & North Western Rai..
Midland Railway, Derbyshire & Yorkshire
The seventeenth volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s returns to the Midland Railway line..
Signal Box Diagrams, British Railways Southern & Western Region, Updates
The diagrams on this disk are for a wide ranging set locations in the Eastern, Midland, Southern and..
Eastern Region Signal Box Register (Revised Hardback Edition)
This is a fully revised edition, published in 2022, which includes information that has been discove..
Eastern Region Signal Box Register (Revised Softback Edition)
This is a fully revised edition, published in 2022, which includes information that has been discove..
Signal Box Registers Combined Volume CD
Updated to include NER Signal Box Register (No. 7)On this CD are the five volumes of the S..
Signalling Atlas and Signal Box Directory
This historic book represents a snapshot in time – a time just before the Regional Operations Centre..