Products meeting the search criteria
Central Wales Line
The Central Wales Line is well known today as one of our scenic railways and is a survivor of the cl..
Chester, North Wales & Wirral
The tenth volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s stays with the London & North Western..
Leeds & The Settle & Carlisle Line
The highlight of the twelfth volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s is undoubtedly the eve..
LNWR Birmingham and West Midlands
The eleventh volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s also stays with the London & North..
LNWR Branch Lines, London, Home Counties & East Midlands
Volume seven of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s stays with the London & North Western Rai..
Midland Main Line, London to Trent
For the second volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s we move ‘next door’ to follow the Mi..
Midland Main Line, Trent to Manchester
In volume eight of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s we re-join the Midland Railway at Trent an..
Midland Railway, Derbyshire & Yorkshire
The seventeenth volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s returns to the Midland Railway line..
Midland Railway, South Westward
The eighteenth volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s looks at the south western end of th..
Signal Box Diagrams, British Railways Western Region, Birmingham, Gloucester & Worcester Districts
The diagrams on this disk are for locations in the Gloucester, Worcester & Birmingham Districts ..
Signal Box Diagrams, British Railways Western Region, Cambrian & Shrewsbury Districts
The diagrams in the download are for locations on the North & West line, the Cambrian area and t..
West Coast Main Line & Cumbria
Volume six of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s brings us back to the West Coast Main Line of t..
West Coast Main Line, Cheshire & South Lancashire
For the ninth volume of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s we fill in the middle bit of the Lond..
West Lancashire & Fylde
Volume five of John Swift’s layout plans of the 1950s sees us further north on the lines of the Lanc..
Signal Box Registers Combined Volume CD
Updated to include NER Signal Box Register (No. 7)On this CD are the five volumes of the S..