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FARSAP logo  Carmuirs East Junction 1901-2017

The junction here dates from 1882 when the south to east side of the triangle was opened by the Caledonian Railway.

The geographic location of the signal box and junction can be seen on a current OS Map. The map will place this location at the centre of the map panel, roll the mouse over the icon(s) to reveal what they represent. Increase the scale using the scale selector on the left to separate closely positioned icons.

This video is intended for viewing at a maximum screen resolution of 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. Please be aware that viewing at a larger size may result in a loss of clarity and a 'grainy' appearance.

Copyright © of the FARSAP videos belongs to the Friends of the National Railway Museum.
The material may be freely used except for sale or advertising purposes.

Video Credits

Filmed by: Nick Jones
Filmed on: 7 November 2014
Photographs by: David Christie, Andrew Gardiner
and Nick Jones
Narrator: Richard Pulleyn
Signaller: John Welsh
Mobile Operations Manager: Ross Walker
Video Editors: George Duncan, Nick Jones & Richard Pulleyn

Key Chronology

1850 Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway opened a branch from Polmont to Larbert Junction where it joined the Scottish Central Railway.
1865 Scottish Central Railway becomes part of the Caledonian Railway; and Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway becomes part of the North British Railway.
1882 Caledonian Railway opened a new south - east chord at Carmuirs creating Carmuirs West and Carmuirs East Junctions. Carmuirs East Junction signal box opened.
1901 Carmuirs East Junction signal box replaced.
2011 Carmuirs East Junction signal box took over control of Carmuirs West Junction.
2017 Carmuirs East Junction signal box closed, control passing to the East of Scotland Signalling Centre at Edinburgh.


Can you help?

The project would love to hear from you, especially if you worked or still work in a signal box, and you are willing to provide reminiscences and / or pictures. Please contact the webmaster in the first instance.


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Page last modified Wednesday, 2nd June, 2021, 07:33 hours.
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Registered Charity Number 1176506.