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FARSAP logo  Dunragit

This video takes us to Dunragit on the Portpatrick Railway with a brief look at Glenwhilly on the Girvan & Portpatrick Junction Railway. The line from Girvan to Dunragit is the last surviving example of electric tablet working on the national railway network.

The transfer of ferry traffic from Stranraer to the non-rail connected port facility at Cairn Ryan has led to a much reduced train service. Long gone are the boat trains to and from London and in 2017 even Glasgow is beyond the reach of a through service.

The geographic location of Dunragit signal box can be seen on a current OS Map. The map will place this location at the centre of the map panel, roll the mouse over the icon(s) to reveal what they represent. The map can be scrolled to the other nearby locations mentioned in the video. Increase the scale using the scale selector on the left to separate closely positioned icons. This link will take you to Glenwhilly.

This video is intended for viewing at a maximum screen resolution of 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. Please be aware that viewing at a larger size may result in a loss of clarity and a 'grainy' appearance.

Copyright © of the FARSAP videos belongs to the Friends of the National Railway Museum.
The material may be freely used except for sale or advertising purposes.

Video Credits

Filmed by: Nick Jones and Matthew Morgan
Filmed on: 15 May 2015
Narrator: Matthew Morgan
Signallers: Andrew Harvey (Dunragit)
Jimmy Alexander (Glenwhilly)
Local Operations Manager: Andy Scobie
Video Editor: Nick Jones and Matthew Morgan

Copyright © of the FARSAP videos belongs to the Friends of the National Railway Museum.
The material may be freely used except for sale or advertising purposes.

Key Chronology (Dunragit)

1861 Portpatrick Railway opened from Castle Douglas to Stranraer (Town), including a station at Dunragit. Line operated by Caledonian Railway. Single line with passing loops. Up direction to London via Castle Douglas and Carlisle.
1862 Portpatrick Railway extended to both Portpatrick and to Stranraer Harbour.
1877 Block working replaced telegraphic crossing orders.
1885 Line vested in Portpatrick and Wigtownshire Joint Committee, the joint owners being the Caledonian Railway, Glasgow & South Western Railway, London & North Western Railway, and Midland Railway.
1887 Tyer's Tablet instruments introduced.
1923 Joint Committee ceased from April 1923 as all four owners had beeen absorbed by the London Midland & Scottish Railway.
1927 Signal box replaced.
1939 Took over operation of Challoch Junction.
1942 Dunragit to Castle Kennedy doubled.
1965 Dunragit station closed.
1970 Dunragit to Castle Kennedy singled.


Key Chronology (Glenwhilly)

1876 Signal Box opened ahead of formal opening of the line.
1877 Line and station built by Girvan & Portpatrick Junction Railway. Operated by Glasgow & South Western Railway. Single line with passing loops.
1877 Line vested in Ayrshire & Wigtownshire Railway.
1892 Ayrshire & Wigtownshire Railway vested in Glasgow & South Western Railway.
c1905 Signal box replaced.
1965 Glenwhilly station closed.
1983 Line became up to Glasgow instead of down to Glasgow.


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The project would love to hear from you, especially if you worked or still work in a signal box, and you are willing to provide reminiscences and / or pictures. Please contact the webmaster in the first instance.


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