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The South Tynedale Railway extended to Slaggyford in 2017 necessitating provision of a new signal box to the same design as its predecessor which was demolished in the 1960s.

This video, which is split into two parts, chronicles the installation and subsequent testing of a mechanical lever frame in that signal box.

These videos are intended for viewing at a maximum screen resolution of 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. Please be aware that viewing at a larger size may result in a loss of clarity and a 'grainy' appearance.

Part 1: Installation

Part 2: Testing the Locking

Copyright © of the FARSAP videos belongs to the Friends of the National Railway Museum.
The material may be freely used except for sale or advertising purposes.

Video Credits

Filmed by: Neil Mackay
Filmed in: June & September 2017
Historic Material: Richard Graham and Ian Hughes
Narrator: Neil Mackay
Installation Team (June): Ian Hughes, Roly Johnson,
Zach Taylor, John Thompson,
Sean Wilson
Locking Testers (September): Charles Weightman assisted by
Ian Hughes, Richard Pulleyn
Locking Fitter: Roly Johnson
Video Editor: Derek Young

Can you help?

The project would love to hear from you, especially if you worked or still work in a signal box, and you are willing to provide reminiscences and / or pictures. Please contact the webmaster in the first instance.


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Page last modified Wednesday, 2nd June, 2021, 11:00 hours.
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A Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales.
Registered Charity Number 1176506.