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Industrial & Private Lines: Fife

Signal Fact 59

The Great Western Railway started developing its automatic train control (ATC) system with a trial in 1906.

The system was installed across the Great Western Railway between 1910 and 1930.

This page should be regarded as “Work in Progress”. The webmaster will welcome additional information for this page.

County pages contain details of Industrial and other Private lines that do not form part of any of the principally listed companies on this web site. RailRefs generally remain un-numbered in the county lists.

In the list below the information is set out in tabular form, spread over four columns. The column entries are -

RailRef The Line Code used in RailRef system.
Line Detail The principal locations included within the Line Code. They are arranged in 'down' direction order. Locations shown are primarily stations and junctions to allow easy cross check against published atlases. Signal box names appear in italics where these are 'intermediate' to stations or have been shown to facilitate links from other pages on this web site. The inclusion of a station or junction name does not imply that there was always a signal box of that same name!
SBR The section reference used in the relevant Signal Box Register published by the Society.
ELR The corresponding Engineer's Line Reference(s). This will be blank for railways that never came within British Railways terms of reference. It will also be blank where British Railways had no surviving responsibility for infrastructure at the time the ELR system came into use.

RailRef Line Detail SBR ELR

Aluminium Plant, Burntisland

Opened 1917
Closed 2002
Burnt Island Harbour Branch Junction NB491
NT 225 862. British Aluminium Co Ltd. Used their own shunting locomotives - see Railway Bylines for February 2013. Also narrow gauge.

Site is now a housing estate.


Wemyss Coal Co Ltd
  Cameron Colliery, Windygates
NT 346 992. Bowman & Co until 1906; then Weymyss Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1.
  Denbeath Colliery, Buckhaven
Bowman & Co until 1906; then Weymyss Coal Co Ltd.
  Lochhead Colliery, Coaltown of Wemyss
NT 323 967. Lochhead Fireclay Co until c1894; then Weymyss Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1.
  Michael Colliery, East Wemyss
NT 337 963. Bowman & Co until 1906; then Weymyss Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1. Closed 1967.
  Muiredge Colliery, Buckhaven
Bowman & Co until 1906; then Weymyss Coal Co Ltd. Closed 1920.
  Rosie Colliery, East Wemyss
NT 346 977. Bowman & Co until 1906; then Weymyss Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1.
  Wellesley Colliery, Methil
NT 367 988. The Wemyss Collieries until 1894; then Weymyss Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1. Colliery closed 1967, preparation plant closed 1970.

Wemyss Private Railway, Dysart

Article: Railway World, June 1970.
WM001 Main Line
West Wemyss (Victoria Pit)
Wemyss Colliery (Hugo Depot)
(Coaltown tunnel)
Lochhead Mine
Michael Branch Junction (SB)
(Wemyss Castle exchange sidings)
Wemyss Den Junction
Junction & Summer Road LC
Cameron Branch Junction
Muiredge West Junction
Muiredge East Junction
Methil Avenue LC (SB)
Wemyss Brick Works
(crosses above NBR)
(Wellesley Colliery)
Denbeath Junction
end of line
West Wemyss Dock Branch
Michael Branch
Branch Junction
Michael Colliery
end of line
Earlseat Branch
Wemyss Den Junction
Wellsgreen Junction
Standing Stane Road LC
Green Road Junction
Green Road LC
Standingstane LC
Earlseat Colliery
end of line
Earl's Seat Disposal Point closed 1964.
Wellsgreen Branch
Wellsgreen Junction
Wellsgreen Mine (Fife Coal Co Ltd - see below)
Wellsgreen Loop
Wellsgreen Junction
Cameron Colliery Branch

end of line
Cameron Colliery
Branch junction
Muiredge Loop

Muiredge West Junction
Muiredge South Junction
Muiredge Branch

Muiredge Colliery
Muiredge South Junction
Muiredge East Junction

RNSD Donibristle, near Inverkeithing
NT 155 842. Admiralty. Closed 1959. Also narrow gauge including Inverkeithing Dump @ NT 129 838.

Balgonie Colliery, Coaltown of Balgonie, near Thornton Junction
NT 304 987. Charles B Balfour until 1914; then Bagonie Colliery Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1. Closed 1960.

Dunfermline Works
NT 093 863. Scottish Gas Board until 1972; then British Gas Corporation.

Cupar Sugar Beet Factory, Cupar
NO 388 149. Anglo-Scottish Beet Sugar Corporation Ltd until 1936; then British Sugar Corporation Ltd.

Kinghorn, near Burntisland
Burntisland Oil Co. Closed by 1900.

Inverkeithing Paper Mill
Caldwell & Co (Papermakers) Ltd 1893 - 1920; then Caldwell's Paper Mill Co Ltd. Rail traffic ceased 1972.

Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline
NT 086 872. Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. ? Museum display only ?

Cowdenbeath Collieries No.3, No.8, Foulford
NT 167 916. Forth Iron Co 1854-1870; then Cowdenbeath Coal Co until 1886; then Fife Coal Co until 1947; then NCB Area No.1.

Cowdenbeath Collieries No.7 Foulford
NT 167 916. Forth Iron Co 1854-1870; then Cowdenbeath Coal Co until 1886; then Fife Coal Co until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1970.

Cowdenbeath Colliery No.9, Foulford
NT 167 916. Forth Iron Co 1854-1870; then Cowdenbeath Coal Co until 1886; then Fife Coal Co.

Cowdenbeath Collieries No.10, Kirkford
NT 152 918. Forth Iron Co 1854-1870; then Cowdenbeath Coal Co until 1886; then Fife Coal Co.

Lumphinnans Colliery No.1
No.1 - NT 175 930. Alexander Christie 1854-1858; then Trustees of Alex Christie until 1862; then Lumphinnans Iron Co until 1881; then Cowdenbeath Coal Co until 1886; then Fife Coal Co until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1957.

Lumphinnans Colliery No.7
Alexander Christie 1854-1858; then Trustees of Alex Christie until 1862; then Lumphinnans Iron Co until 1881; then Cowdenbeath Coal Co until 1886; then Fife Coal Co until 1947; then NCB Area No.1.

Lumphinnans Colliery No.11
NT 162 943. Alexander Christie 1854-1858; then Trustees of Alex Christie until 1862; then Lumphinnans Iron Co until 1881; then Cowdenbeath Coal Co until 1886; then Fife Coal Co until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1966.

The Cults Limeworks, Springfield
Connecting branch about 1 mile long linked to main line, Ladybank side of Springfield station.

Cameron Bridge Distillery
NO 348 001. Distillers Co Ltd.

Donibristle Colliery, Crossgates
Donibristle Coal Co until 1886; then Donibristle Colliery Co until 1902; then Donibristle Coal Co Ltd until 1908; then Fife Coal Co Ltd.

Aitken Colliery, Kelty
NT 155 947. Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1963

Blairenbathie Colliery, Beath, near Kelty
NT 116 948. Fife & Kinross Colliery Co Ltd until 1901; then Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1962.

Bowhill Colliery, Cardenden
NT 213957. Sunk 1897. Bowhill Coal Co until 1909; then Fife & Kinross Colliery Co until 1901; then Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1965.

Comrie Colliery, Saline
NT 007 910. Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1.

Frances Dysart Colliery
NT 310 939. Earl of Rosslyn's Collieries Ltd until 1927; then Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1.

Kinglassie Colliery, near Leslie
NT 238 983. Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1966.

Lindsay Colliery, Kelty
NT 149 942. Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1965.

Mary Colliery, Lochore
NT 172 965. Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1966.

Oakley Colliery, Oakley
Oakley Colliery Ltd until 1924; then Fife Coal Co Ltd.

Valleyfield Colliery, Newmills
NT 010 863. Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1.

Wellsgreen Colliery, East Wemyss
NT 336 983. Fife Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area No.1. Closed 1959.

Fordell Railway
NT 158 901. 4'4" gauge. G W M Henderson until 1881; then Fordell Trustees until 1910; then The Earl of Buckinghamshire; Countess of Buckinghamshire until 1937; to NCB Area No.1 1947. Closed 1966.

Dunnikier Foundry, Dysart
Douglas & Grant; then Lewis C Grant Ltd.

Guard Bridge
NO 450 194. Guardbridge Paper Co Ltd. Also narrow gauge.

Kirkaldy Harbour
Kirkaldy Corporation.

Lochgelly Ironworks
Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co Ltd. Closed 1895.

Jenny Gray Colliery, Lochgelly
NT 193 935. Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1. Closed 1959.

Dora (Little Raith) Colliery, Cowdenbeath
NT 172 909. Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1. Closed 1959.

Lochgelly No.12 Siding
Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co Ltd.

Minto Colliery, Lochgelly
NT 205 948. Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1. Closed 1967.

Nellie Colliery, Lochgelly
NT 184 947. Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1. Closed 1965.

Rameldry Colliery, near Ladybank

Leuchars Aerodrome
NO 453 212 and NO 456 209. Ministry of Defence, Air Force Department. Also narrow gauge.

Royal Naval Armament Depot, Crombie
NT 057 843. Ministry of Defence, Navy Department. Also narrow gauge.

Royal Naval Stores Depot, Lathalmond, Dunfermline
NT 093 922. Ministry of Defence, Navy Department. Rail traffic ceased 1971.

Royal Naval Dockyard, Rosyth
NT 108 821. Ministry of Defence, Navy Department. Also narrow gauge.

Balgonie Disposal Point, Coaltown of Balgonie, near Thornton Junction
NT 304 987. Ministry of Fuel & Power, Directorate of Opencast Coal Production. Closed 1948.

Earl's Seat Disposal Point, Weymss Castle
Ministry of Fuel & Power, Directorate of Opencast Coal Production until 1952; then NCB.

Kelty Disposal Point
Ministry of Fuel & Power, Directorate of Opencast Coal Production until 1952; then NCB. Closed c1961.

Easter Balbeggie, Thornton
NT 291 962. T Muir, scrap merchants. Also narrow gauge.

Lethams Colliery, Saline
William Fraser until 1864(?); then David Naysmith. Closed. Reopened by 1913 by Wilsons & Clyde Coal Co Ltd.

Muircockhall Colliery, Townhill, Dunfermline
NT 111 898. West of Fife Coal Co until 1883; then Dunfermline Coal Co until 1887; then Henry Ness & Co until 1898; then Henry Ness & Co Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1.

Methil Dock
Randolph & Co until 1891; then North British Railway.

Shipbreaking Industries Ltd.

Kincardine Power Station
NT 923 887. South of Scotland Electricity Board.

Methil Power Station
NO 382 001. South of Scotland Electricity Board.

Elgin & Wellwood Collieries, Dunfermline
NT 087 893. Thomas Spowart Co until 1902; then Thomas Spowart & Co Ltd. Closed c1946.

Lassodie Colliery, Beath
NT 12x 92x. Lassodie Coal Co; then Thomas Spowart Co until 1902; then Thomas Spowart & Co Ltd. Closed c1946.

Shipbreaking Yard, Inverkeithing
NT 127 823. Thos W Ward Ltd.

Glencraig Colliery, Glencraig, near Lochgelly
NT 183 956. Wilsons & Clyde Coal Co. Ltd until 1947; then NCB Area 1. Closed 1966. Also narrow gauge.

Rothes Colliery, Thornton
NT 2811 9727. By Thornton Yard. Closed 1962.

Torry Colliery, near Comrie
Closed 1965.

Blairhall Colliery, East Grange
NT 0036 8846. Opened 1870s, new sinkings 1906-1911. Carron Iron Co; then Lochgelly Iron Co; then Coltness Iron Co Ltd; then NCB. Closed 1969.


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