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ELR to RailRef Correlation - ELR Codes S

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Signal Fact 1

The Regulation of Railways Act, 1889 gave the Board of Trade the power to make & enforce orders in respect of:

block working and interlocking of points and signals on lines carrying passengers, &

continuous brakes on passenger trains.

Explanation of column content is here.

ELR BR-NR Line Description RailRef
SAA yes Stirling - Alloa NB600
SAB yes Lawton Junction - Sandbach NS091
SAC yes Settle & Carlisle Line MR930
SAD yes Somerset & Dorset (Bath - Templecombe) SD001
SAE   Sandy Gate Branch BP010
SAG yes St Andrews Junction - Grand Junction MR255
SAH yes Hatfield - St Albans GN031
SAI   Salford Incline LY081
SAJ yes Stalybridge Junction - Guide Bridge West Junction GC390
SAL yes Salisbury Branch GW195
SAM   Broom and Byfield Line. Now SJT.
SAM yes Shropshire & Montgomeryshire SM001
SAN   Sandy Gate Branch. Now SAE.
SAN yes Santon Ore Branch GC190c
SAR yes South Acton - Richmond SW038
SAS yes Stechford - Aston NW327
SAT   Saltmarket Branch GS211
SAU   St Austell Goods Branch GW332
SAW yes Severn & Wye SV001
SBA yes Shrewsbury & Aberystwyth SP001
SBB yes Salford - Manchester Ship Canal LY082
SBC yes Stainton Branch FN021
SBE   St Catherine's Junction to Black Carr East Junction GN298
SBF yes Shipley East Junction - Bradford Forster Square MR891
SBH yes Springs Branch - Huyton< NW684
SBJ   St Budeaux Junction. Now SBX.
SBJ yes Swanley Junction - Ashford via Maidstone East SE121
SBK yes Sudbrook Branch GW470
SBL yes SBL1 Siddick Junction - Calva
SBL2 Calva Junction - Buckhill
SBM   Sandal Branch WR009
SBR yes Shepreth Branch GN035
SBS yes Sudbury Sidings GE222
SBT yes Sudbury - Thetford GE220
SBX   St Budeaux Junction SW157i
SBY yes South Bishopley Branch NE311
SCA   Sheepbridge Branch MR773
SCB yes Sutton Colliery Branch
Skegby Branch
SCC yes Sheepcote Curve WE002
SCD yes Scunthorpe, Trent Junction - Dawes Lane Junction GC192
SCG yes South Carlisle Goods Lines/td> MC007
SCH yes SCH1 Woodville Branch MR181
SCJ   South Cobbinshaw Branch CA050
SCL yes Soho Curve NW365
SCM yes CA270
SCN yes Ship Canal Branch NW625
SCO   Seaforth Connecting Line LY194
SCP yes Sydenham Junction - Crystal Palace Tunnel Junction LB047
SCQ yes Waterhouses Branch NS040
SCR yes Speke Junction - Church Road Junction NW594
SCT yes Seaforth Container Terminal Branch NW634
SCU yes South Croydon - Uckfield CO001
SCW yes Gallows Close Goods, Scarborough NE225
SCY   Summit Colliery Branch GN193
SCZ   Somerset Coal Canal
SDA   Dafen Branch/St Davids Branch GW633c
SDB   Bankfoot Branch CA536
SDC yes Stratford Central Junction - Coppermill North Junction GE190
SDD   Sheerness Dockyard SE129
SDG yes Snodgrass Branch GS137
SDH yes Haverhill - Shelford GE052
SDI yes Swansea District Line GW588
SDJ yes Skelton Junction to Ditton Junction Line CL006
SDK yes Bradford St Dunstans N&E Junction - Keighley GN370
SDL   Shieldhall Branch GP010
SDM yes Consett Branch NE400
SDP   Swindon Loco Depot and Stores
SDP yes St Denys to Portcreek Junction Line SW072
SDS yes St Dennis Branch GW334
SDT yes Shoreditch Depot SW022
SDY   Grahamston Station Junction to Springfield Yard
SDZ   St Dennis Branch GW335
SEA yes Seabanks Branch NE601
SEB yes Seaton Branch SW144
SEC yes Selby, Canal Junction - West Junction NE032
SED yes Senghenydd - Caerphilly RR021
SEJ   Swansea East Junction Line. Now SWT.
SEJ yes Sheerness Branch SE130
SEK   East Dock Line (Swansea)
SEL yes Shepcote Lane West Junction - Tinsley South Junction GC342
SEN   Senghenydd Branch. Now SED.
SEN yes Syston, East - North MR105
SEP   South Elmsall Loop SK007
SES yes Seal Sands Branch NE563
SEU yes Seaton - Uppingham NW171
SEY yes Seymour Colliery Branch MR786
SFA   St Fagans Branch BY013
SFB yes Stockingford Branch MR236
SFC   Sheffield City Goods Branch NW846
SFD   Seafield (Leith) Docks Branch CA125
SFI   Shawfield Branch CA144
SFK   Shawhill Fork CA021
SFL   Stockton Freightliner Terminal Branch NE554
SFO yes Stansfield Hall Fork Line LY022
SFQ   Stud Farm Quarry Branch MR162l
SFY   Stratton Factory Branch. Now SNY.
SFY   Spitalfields Yards GE004
SFZ   Futterhill Branch SV015
SGB yes Saltney Goods Branch GW874
SGC   Stretford Gasworks Siding
SGL   Sighthill Yard Junction to Sighthill Freight Terminal Junction Line
SGN yes Springburn Line NB180
SGW yes Stafford Gas Works GN252
SGZ yes Saltash to St Germans Line GW293
SHA   Shawhead Branch NB326
SHB yes Sheffield - Barnsley MR830
SHC yes Shirebrook Colliery Branch (GNR) MR652
SHD yes Sheepford Branch NB330
SHE yes Sheepbridge Branch (Chesterfield) MR771
SHF yes Strawberry Hill Junction - Fulwell Junction SW040
SHG yes Sherburn Junction - Gascoigne Wood Junction NE182
SHI yes Shipley - Laisterdyke GN355
SHL yes Shrewbury & Hereford Line SH001
SHO   Shobnal Branch
SHP   Sheepford Branch NB330
SHR yes Wishaw Connecting Line CA162
SHS yes St Helens Line NW710
SHU yes Shoeburyness Sidings MR045
SHW yes Shireoaks Junction - Woodend Junction MR640
SHZ   Speech House Hill Branch SV020a
SIA   MR650
SIB yes St Ives Branch GE070
SIC yes Silverwood Colliery Branch GC233
SID yes Sidmouth Branch SW145
SIE yes St Ives - Sutton Junction (Ely) GE070
SIG   Sighthill Branch NB182
SIL yes Stock Interchange Line
SIM yes Simpasture Branch NE282
SIN   Singer Branch NB424
SIR   Sirhowy Line NW260
SIV yes St Ives Branch GW360
SIZ yes Saxmundham - Leiston GE267
SJA yes Lesmahawgo Branch CA206
SJB yes St James Junction - Bridge Junction GC271
SJC yes Carnforth - Wennington Junction FN003
SJD yes Skelton Junction - Deansgate Junction CL004
SJF   Stanley - Forfar CA550
SJG   Bridgeton Cross Branch GS213
SJL   Stalybridge Junction to Dukinfield Line NW800
SJM yes Swinton - Mexborough MR854
SJN yes Standish Junction Line NW575
SJO yes Sandhills Junction - Ormskirk LY160
SJR   Stockport Junction Railway NW751
SJS yes Stourbridge Town Branch GW781
SJT yes Stratford on Avon & Midland Junction Line MJ001
SJU   Seacombe Junction to Seacombe Station WI004
SKA yes Skellow Junction - Adwick Junction WR006
SKB   South Kirkby Colliery Branch WR016
SKC   Skelmanthorpe Colliery Branch LY312
SKD yes Swansea King Dock Line  
SKE yes Skelmersdale Branch LY162
SKI yes Ilkley - Skipton MR906
SKK   Selkirk Branch NB064
SKL yes Stocksbridge Light Railway SLR
SKM yes South Kirkby Junction - Moorthrope Station Junction SK005
SKN yes Camp Hill Line MR250
SKS yes Skipton North - Grassington MR906
SKW yes Skipton and Wennington Line MR890
SLB yes Forest of Dean (Lydbrook Branch) SV022
SLC yes Stewarts Lane Sidings SE104
SLD yes Stainland Branch LY294
SLE   St Leonards Branch NB098
SLH yes Silloth Branch NB035
SLJ yes Streatham North Junction - Streatham South Junction (Slow Lines) LB006
SLL   St Lukes Junction to Pool Hey Junction Line LY200
SLN yes Standish Junction Line NW580
SLO   Slough West Curve GW070
SLP yes Shotton Loop GC498
SLR   (uncertain) CA123
SLS   Swinlees Branch GS162
SLT yes Stonebridge Park LUL Depot NW067
SLZ   Stratford-on-Avon to Longdon Road GW694
SMA yes South Manchester Airport Chord NW744
SMB yes Buntingford - St Margarets GE028
SMC yes Smithywood Colliery Branch GC320
SME yes Smeaton Branch NB011
SMF   Smyllum Fork CA133
SMI yes South Wales Mineral Railway SL001
SMJ   South Wales Mineral Junction Branch. Now SWJ.
SMJ yes Port Talbot - Tonmawr South Wales Mineral Junction. Now SWJ.
SMJ yes Swinton Junction - Milford Junction SK001
SML yes Larkhall & Stonehouse Branch CA241
SMM yes Macmerry Branch NB011
SMN yes Slamannan Line NB290
SMP yes Stratford Depot  
SMS yes SMS1 Streatham South Junction - Wimbledon
SMS2 Wimbledon - Sutton
SMS   Greenhill Lower Junction to Larbert Junction Line CA490
SMW   Smithywood Colliery Branch GC324
SMY   Mayfield Low Level Goods Branch NW754
SNA   Snape Branch GE266
SNB   Swansea North Dock Branch. No SND.
SNB yes Potto - Swainley (Whorlton Branch) NE501
SNC   Stavely Works New Curve
SND   Swansea North Dock Branch GW601
SNF   Selhurst to Norwood Fork Junction Line LB062
SNJ yes Sandbach - Northwich West Junction NW741
SNK yes Swansea Docks Lines GW617
SNL   Stanton Branch GN220
SNO yes Snydale Branches MR848
SNS yes Streatham North Junction - Streatham South Junction (Fast Lines) LB005
SNT   Swindon Transfer Yard
SNW yes Sleaford, North - West JN032
SNX yes Stanton Branch Extension GN222
SNY   Stratton Factory Branch GW114
SOB   Oakwood Branch. Now SOD.
SOB yes Soham Branch GE063
SOC   Shireoaks Colliery Branch MR659
SOD   Oakwood Branch SV010
SOE   Souterhouse Branch NB329
SOG   South Side Goods Branch CA412
SOH yes South Leith Branch NB020
SOL yes South Lynn Branch MG007
SOP yes Soho Pool Branch NW363
SOR yes Ramsey - Somersham JN011
SOS yes Stourport on Severn Branch. Part of SVB.
SOT yes Seaton on Tees Branch NE571
SOU yes Southport and Preston Line LY220
SOW yes Solway Branch CA022
SOY yes Southampton Eastern Docks SW070
SPB   Sproxton Branch GN132
SPC   Sheepbridge Canal Branch MR772
SPC yes St Pancras to Chesterfield Line
SPD yes Spalding and Doncaster Line GN090
SPE   Spiersbridge Branch GB005
SPF yes Fort Augustus Branch NB464
SPG   Parkend Goods Branch SV012
SPH yes Springs Branch NW555
SPI yes Spilsby - Firsby GN113
SPJ   Six Pit Connector GW597
SPK   Springbank Branch NB254
SPL   Springwell Branch MR775
SPN   Spinners End Goods Branch GW761
SPO yes Stonehouse Pool Branch SW158
SPR   Staveley Works Curve
SPS yes Sculcoates Power Station Branch HB039
SPV   Stooperdale Curve NE261
SPW yes Springbank North Junction - Walton Street Junction HB036
SPY yes Springhead Yard HB031
SRD yes St Helens - Rainford NW696
SRM   St Rollox and Milton Line CA483
SRS yes Stonebridge Park Shop Sidings
SRY   St Rollox Yard
SRZ   Stapleton Road Goods Branch GW138
SSB yes Spalding - Sutton Bridge MG004
SSB   Severn and Wye Sling Branch SV016
SSC yes Streatham Junction - Streatham Common Junction LB007
SSD   Stockton to Sunderland Line NE350
SSE yes Sleaford, South - East JN031
SSG yes Sculcoates Goods HB039
SSH   South Dock High Level Line. Now SSZ.
SSH yes Scunthorpe Yards  
SSJ yes Sheet Stores Junction to Stenson Branch MR202
SSK yes Skinningrove Branch NE540
SSL   South Dock Low Level Line. Now SSY.
SSL yes Seven Sisters Loop GE031
SSM   Shipley Branch MR714
SSN   Sharpness Dock North Branch SV004
SSO   NW715
SSP yes Soho South Junction - Perry Barr South Junction NW362
SSR   Glasgow City Union Line GS198
SSS yes Sharpness Dock South Branch SV003
SSV yes Shenfield - Southend Victoria GE200
SSW   Stratford Western Junction to Stratford Southern Junction Line GE170
SSY   South Dock Low Level Line NW304
SSZ   South Dock High Level Line NW305
STA yes Staines Branch GW067
STB yes St Botolph's Branch GE231
STC   Stairfoot & Cudworth Line MR835
STD yes Stratford Branch GW697
STE   Stoneycombe Branch GW265
STF yes Stillington - Ferryhill NE340
STG yes Crewe Sorting Sidings SOuth Junction - Crewe South Junction (Stoke Goods Line) NW204
STH yes Stanmore - Harrow & Wealdstone NW017
STI   Swannington Incline MR163
STJ yes Whitehouse West Junction - Whitehouse East Junction LY214
STK yes Stank Branch FN033
STM yes Temple Mills Yard, Stratford
STN yes Stranraer Harbour Branch PW001
STO yes Stoke Works Branch GW721
STR   Stroud Branch. Now STW.
STR yes Stranraer Line
STS yes Seaford Branch LB121
STW   Stroud Branch MR297
STY yes Styal Line NW743
SUB yes Edinburgh Suburban Line
SUC yes Salt Union Company's Siding NW532
SUD yes Sudbury Branch GE220
SUT yes Sutton Harbour Branch GW285
SUX yes Stafford - Uttoxeter GN250
SVB yes Severn Valley Branch GW723
SVE yes Hamilton & Strathaven Branch CA250
SVL yes Swansea Vale Line MR400
SVN yes Strathavon Branch NB299
SVS yes Severnside Works GW145
SWA yes Swansea High Street Branch GW598
SWB yes South Wales & Bristol Direct GW120
SWC   Swalwell Colliery Branch NE661
SWD yes Seaton to Wansford Branch NW160
SWE yes Windsor Branch SW051
SWG   Shawrigg Branch CA243
SWH   Swanwick Branch MR426
SWI   Wimberry Branch. Now WIY.
SWI yes Swinehill Branch CA242
SWJ   South Wales Mineral Junction Branch PT003
SWK   Shardlow Works Branch
SWL yes Swansea Loop Line GW599
SWM yes South Wales Main Line GW370
SWN yes Swansea Line
SWO   Halesworth to Southwold Line ST001
SWP yes Shirebrook - Warsop GC111
SWR   Cardiff East Branch
SWS   Shildon Works NE283
SWT   GW621
SWW yes Swinton West Curve (Rotherham) GC272
SWX   Staines West Link Line SW049
SWY yes Stert & Westbury Line GW180
SYB yes Saxby - Bourne MR103
SYC yes Shrewsbury - Crewe NW225
SYD   Stoneywood Branch CA500
SYE yes Sunnyside Loop NB320
SYS yes Saxby - Sutton Bridge MG003
SZS yes South West Sidings, Willesden NW100


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